Prof. Hadi Susanto

By confast

22, Oct 2021

Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi


Hadi Susanto was born and grew up in Lumajang (watch the beauty of the region here), East Java province of Indonesia. He was an undergraduate student (BSc 2001) in the Department of Mathematics of Institut Teknologi Bandung, with a thesis study supervised by Barbera van de Fliert and Edy Soewono. He subsequently did his postgraduate studies (MSc 2003, PhD 2006) in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Twente under the supervision of Stephan van Gils.

He was Visiting Assistant Professor (2005-2007) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst mentored by Panos Kevrekidis. He was then Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (2008-2013) at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Nottingham. In 2013, he moved to the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Essex as Senior Lecturer and then Professor of Applied Mathematics. He is currently on-leave from Essex and is Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Khalifa University. He is also Adjunct Professor (Guru Besar Luar Biasa) in the Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung.

His research interests are in theoretical and computational dynamical systems and analysis applied to the study of, among others, nonlinear waves in differential equations that model physical reality in many different fields, including biology, condensed matter physics and nonlinear optics.

He also enjoys writing literature, including poetry, prose and essay. Covers of books that contain his writings (excluding endorsements) are here.

Dr. Hadi Susanto was educated at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (BSc, 2001) and the University of Twente, The Netherlands (MSc, 2003 and Dr, 2006). Prior to joining Khalifa University, he was Visiting Assistant Professor (2006-2008) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (2008-2014) at the University of Nottingham, and Senior Lecturer and then Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Essex. He is also Adjunct Professor at Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications

  • Dynamics of Evanescently-Coupled Laser Pairs With Unequal Pumping: Analysis Using a Three-Variable Reduction of the Coupled Rate Equations
    M. Adams, R. Al Seyab, I. Henning, H. Susanto, and M. Vaughan
    IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 28(1), 1500709 (2022). [PDF]
  • COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction in Indonesia Based on Machine Learning and SIRD-Based Hybrid Methods
    E.R.M. Putri, M. Iqbal, M.L. Shahab, H.N. Fadhilah, I. Mukhlash, D.K. Arif, E. Apriliani, and H. Susanto
    Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory 21(5), 494-509 (2021) [PDF]
  • Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in the ASEAN countries using a Genetic Partial Fitting Algorithm with the Presence of a Second Wave
    V.R. Tjahjono, H. Kurniawan, A. Hakam, E.R.M. Putri, and H. Susanto
    Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 24(6), 901-914 (2021) [PDF]
  • Removing non-smoothness in solving Black-Scholes equation using a perturbation method
    E.R.M.Putri, L. Mardianto, A. Hakam, C. Imron and H. Susanto
    Physics Letters A 402, 127367 (2021) [PDF]
  • The Overlap Factor Model of Spin-Polarised Coupled Lasers
    M. Vaughan , H. Susanto, I. Henning and M. Adams
    Photonics 2021(8), 83. [PDF]
  • Embedded solitons in second-harmonic-generating lattices
    H. Susanto and B.A. Malomed
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 142, 110534 (2021). [PDF]
  • Superspreading in early transmissions of COVID-19 in Indonesia
    A. Hasan, H. Susanto, M.F. Kasim, N. Nuraini, B. Lestari, D. Triany and W. Widyastuti
    Scientific Reports 10, 22386 (2020). [PDF]
  • Forecasting COVID-19 Epidemic in Spain and Italy Using A Generalized Richards Model with Quantified Uncertainty
    I. Darti, A. Suryanto, H.S. Panigoro and H. Susanto
    Commun. Biomath. Sci. 3(2), 90-100 (2020). [PDF]
  • Reduction of a damped, driven Klein-Gordon equation into a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Justification and numerical comparison
    Y. Muda, F.T. Akbar, R. Kusdiantara, B.E. Gunara, and H.Susanto
    Asymptotic Analysis 120(1-2), 73-86 (2020). [PDF]
  • Bloom Formation and Turing Patterns in an Infochemical Mediated Multitrophic Plankton Model
    T.A.S. Al-Karkhi, R. Kusdiantara, H. Susanto, and E.A. Codling
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30(10), 2030028 (2020). [PDF]
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